Thursday, February 08, 2007


This song comes straight out of scripture. we introduced this one for the first time at Mt. Olive.

Verse 1 (John 8:37-39)
Everyone thirsty
You’ve invited to come
Come and drink from the well of the Son
And to all who believe
Living water pours in
And we’ll never be thirsty again

Chorus (Psalm 63:1, 5)
Our souls thirst for You
And we long for You
In a dry and weary land
You beckon us come
To be Satisfied

Verse 2 (John 6:33-58)
Everyone hungry
You’ve invited to eat
Eat the Bread of the Heavenly feast
For the Bread that gives life
Is the One who has come
So we live on the life of the Son

Verse 3 (Matthew 11:27-30)
Everyone weary
You’ve invited to come
Come and take on the yoke of the Son
For You’re humble and gentle
As the Father You know
And in You we find rest for our souls

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